Sun 22 May 2011 - Sittingbourne 10km


Very windy morning, I had a couple of days off in run up to this race to try and clear hip ache up but still not quite right, stiffness seemed to move across to lower bacjk during the race.
Did 4 miles warm up including jog, dynamic stretches and strides. Race started off well and for first mile was in lead group quite comfortably, then seemed to be not able to keep the same pace going and the lead group started moving away, the next couple of miles were quite undulating nad then about half way we had to run about 200m across a footpath by the side of a field, once across this we turned and were heading back. The strong wind was now behind us and manged to pick the pace up a little, could not hear anyone close behind until we turned a right hand corner with about three quarters of a mile to go, when glanced back and could see someone about 30m behind, tried to pick the pace up and hold the gap, which I managed to do until the finish. Came 5th overall and was 1st Vet.  Splits 5.37 / 6.16 / 6.06 / 5.57 / 6.04 / 5.26 / 1.33 = 37.03
As back was aching I did not mange a warm down.

Distance Overall: 10 Miles    

Weekly Distance:  41 Miles       Although right hip is aching it is not impeeding running or causing any adjustment in running action.

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