Sun 20 Mar 2011

Feeling a lot better this morning and needed to get long run in, went out with 22 miles as the target.  Legs were feeling fresher and the three days off miust have helped them. Started off at 7.30 pace and thought that I would try and keep that going as long as possible.  Even first time up Longage Hill pace was 7.28 so quite pleased. After about six miles pace was uping to 7.15 and still felt ok.  During downhill stretch at the end of the second lap put in a 6.55 mile and then kept 7.15 pace up to 19 miles. Downhill miles 20 & 21 were 6.32 and 6.54 before a last mile of 7.25.. Overall very pleased with run and has given me a lot me confidence back.  I think if had struggled round then iI would have been very upset.

Distance: 22 Miles         Time:  02:39:35    Pace 7.15m/m

Weekly Total Milage: 52 Miles

4 weeks to go now to London, with Paddock Wood Half next Sunday. Originally the plan was to have heavy weeks last week and this week and then ease down a little for Paddock Wood.  But now thinking that will have to get a good solid week in next week (as last two weeks have been light due to cold) and not worry too much about the race on Sunday. If can then get a 60/70 mile week in the following week and then taper down 2 weeks before Marathon.  I think plan for weekend would be for easy 6 miler on Saturday morning and then on Sunday try and aim for around 1h 18m, as that is what I would be looking to through half way in London.

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