Tue 25 January 2011

AM - Very easy run starting at 06.15, didn't look at watch just run how I felt (very slow). Did two laps of lyminge and then returned home.
Distance:  6 miles  Time: 00:53:27   Pace: 8.54 m/m

PM - Folkestone RC - Club Handicap. Did a three mile warm up with DG then did a few strides before starting out on the handicap run. We were last to go and our handicap time was 12 mins. Hit it hard from the start which was about a half a mile flat along Shorncliffe Road from start point at Nailbox Pub, we then dropped down into the Golden Valley downhill for a further half mile going through the mile point in 5.21. We then dropped down onto Miltary Road finally coming to Sandgate Road, that was the end of the downhill, now was a hard climb up Sandgate Hill, concentrated hard to try and keep pace going, shortened stride and was using arms well to try and power up the hill. Up over the top of the hill and the two mile point was outside the Metropole, second mile run in 6.16.  Then left into Grimston Avenue which was slightly downhill, now passing other runners who had started on smaller handicaps. Still concentrating on keeping the speed going and driving on. Turned left at end of Grimston onto Shorncliffe Road and past finish line.  Round Corner in Audley Road and left round corner in Coolinge Lane, three mile point was here and passed that mile in 5.42. Now hardest part as beginning to feel tired and really used steep downhill from Girls school to Sandgate Road to keep momentum going and push up the last part of Sandgate Hill again. Using runners ahead to draw on and use to keep speed going. Into Grimston Avenue again half way along went past 4 mile point, last mile was 5.51. It was now head down for half a mile, to finish. Once onto Shorncliffe Road again try to sprint as hard as I could over last couple of hundred yards to finish line.
Finishing Time was 25:48  only second time I have gone under 26 mins, best was in March last year at 25:33. Very pleased with run coming off 80 miles last week and good confidence booster for races coming up. I think that getting the base mileage in over the last 8 weeks has really helped give the endurance strength to keep the pace going and not tiring to wards the end of the run.
Distance: 10 Miles   Time: 01:15:03

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